Dutch language

How to pronounce grind in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms bray, comminute, crunch, mash
Type of break up, fragmentise, fragmentize, fragment
Has types pulp, pestle, mill
Derivation grinding, grinder

grind the spices in a mortar.
Type Words
Synonyms grate
Type of break up, fragmentise, fragment, fragmentize
Has types gnash, chew, jaw, manducate, masticate
Derivation grinding
Type Words
Synonyms donkeywork, drudgery, plodding
Type of toil, labor, labour
Type Words
Synonyms dweeb, nerd, swot, wonk
Type of assimilator, scholar, learner
Type Words
Synonyms mill, pulverisation, pulverization
Type of compaction, crunch, crush
Type Words
Synonyms dig, drudge, fag, labor, labour, moil, toil, travail
Type of work, do work
Type Words
Synonyms cranch, craunch, crunch
Type of press
Type Words
Type of create, make

grind designs into the glass bowl.
Type Words
Type of trip the light fantastic, dance, trip the light fantastic toe
Type Words
Type of mold, work, mould, shape, forge, form

grind lenses for glasses and cameras.
Type Words
Type of grade, level, degree

a coarse grind of coffee.