Dutch language

How to pronounce grave in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms grievous, heavy, weighty
Derivation graveness, gravity

grave responsibilities.
faced a grave decision in a time of crisis.
Type Words
Synonyms grave accent
Type of accent, accent mark
Type Words
Synonyms sedate, sober, solemn
Derivation graveness, gravity

a grave God-fearing man.
Type Words
Synonyms engrave, inscribe, scratch
Type of chip at, carve
Has types character
Verb group etch, engrave

engrave a pen.
engraved the trophy cup with the winner's name.
Type Words
Synonyms sculpt, sculpture
Type of carve
Verb group sculpt, sculpture
Type Words
Synonyms tomb
Type of spot, place, topographic point
Has types sepulture, sepulcher, sepulchre, burial chamber, mastaba, mastabah

he put flowers on his mother's grave.
Type Words
Synonyms dangerous, grievous, life-threatening, serious, severe

a grave situation.
a grave illness.
Type Words
Type of dying, death, demise

he went to his grave without forgiving me.
from cradle to grave.