Dutch language

How to pronounce gay in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms homophile, queer
Derivation gayness
Type Words
Synonyms festal, festive, merry

gay and exciting night life.
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Synonyms jocund, jolly, jovial, merry, mirthful

when hearts were young and gay.
a poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company.
Type Words
Synonyms homo, homophile, homosexual
Type of person, soul, someone, somebody, mortal, individual
Has types queer, tribade, pouf, fag, faggot, fagot, fairy, gay woman, lesbian, nance, pansy, poof, poove, closet queen, queen
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Synonyms cheery, sunny

a gay sunny room.
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Synonyms brave, braw

a dress a bit too gay for her years.
birds with gay plumage.
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led a gay Bohemian life.
a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies.