Dutch language

How to pronounce game in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms biz
Type of job, line, occupation, business, line of work

he's in the plumbing game.
Type Words
Synonyms plot, secret plan
Type of scheme, strategy
Has types counterplot, counterplan, conspiracy, cabal, machination, intrigue

I saw through his little game from the start.
Type Words
Synonyms gamey, gamy, gritty, mettlesome, spirited, spunky
Type Words
Synonyms back, bet on, gage, punt, stake
Type of play, wager, bet
Has types parlay, ante, double up
Derivation gaming
Type Words
Synonyms crippled, gimpy, halt, halting, lame
Derivation gameness

a game leg.
Type Words
Type of activity
Has types game of chance, bowling, zero-sum game, table game, card game, cards, child's game, parlour game, curling, parlor game, pall-mall, athletic game, gambling game

you need four people to play this game.
Type Words
Type of recreation, diversion
Has types mind game, catch, computer game, ducks and drakes, guessing game, hare and hounds, paper chase, party game, pinball, pinball game, prisoner's base, ring-a-rosy, ring-around-a-rosy, ring-around-the-rosy, treasure hunt, video game

they played word games.
he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time.
his life was all fun and games.
Type Words
Type of fauna, beast, brute, animal, animate being, creature
Has types game bird, big game
Type Words
Type of competition, contest
Has types twin bill, home game, exhibition game, doubleheader, nightcap, double feature, cup tie, road game, away game, playoff game, practice game

the game lasted two hours.
Type Words
Type of gambol, play, caper, romp, frolic

for actors, memorizing lines is no game.
for him, life is all fun and games.
Type Words
Type of score

the game is 6 all.
he is serving for the game.
Type Words
Type of part, section, division
Type Words
Type of meat
Has types buffalo, rabbit, venison, hare
Derivation gamey, gamy
Type Words
Type of game equipment
Has types puzzle

the child received several games for his birthday.