Dutch language

How to pronounce fuddle in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms booze, drink, hit the bottle
Type of consume, take, ingest, have, take in
Has types carry, claret, souse, hit it up, hold, inebriate, wine, port, tank, pub-crawl, bib, tipple, bar hop, soak
Verb group drink, tope
Type Words
Synonyms bedevil, befuddle, confound, confuse, discombobulate, fox, throw
Type of be
Has types bewilder, dumbfound, amaze, baffle, beat, demoralize, disorient, disorientate, flummox, get, gravel, mystify, nonplus, perplex, pose, puzzle, stick, stupefy, vex
Verb group flurry, confuse, disconcert, put off

This question befuddled even the teacher.
Type Words
Synonyms befuddle
Type of inebriate, intoxicate, soak
Type Words
Synonyms clutter, jumble, mare's nest, muddle, smother, welter
Type of disorder, disorderliness
Has types rummage