Dutch language

How to pronounce front in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms forepart, front end
Type of face, side
Has types head, forefront
Derivation frontal
Type Words
Synonyms figurehead, front man, nominal head, straw man, strawman
Type of deceiver, beguiler, cheat, cheater, trickster, slicker
Type Words
Synonyms movement, social movement
Type of social group
Has types zionist movement, ecumenism, falun gong, artistic movement, reform movement, religious movement, oecumenism, free french, boy scouts, political movement, art movement, civil rights movement, zionism, common front, fighting french, cultural movement

he led the national liberation front.
Type Words
Synonyms face, look
Type of lie
Has types confront
Verb group face
Derivation frontage
Type Words
Synonyms presence
Type of proximity

he was well behaved in front of company.
Type Words
Synonyms breast
Type of confront, face
Type Words
Synonyms battlefront, front line
Type of line
Derivation frontal
Type Words
Type of sphere, arena, field, area, domain, orbit

the Japanese were active last week on the diplomatic front.
they advertise on many different fronts.
Type Words
Type of atmospheric phenomenon
Has types occluded front, occlusion, warm front, cold front, polar front
Derivation frontal
Type Words

the front lines.
the front porch.
Type Words
Type of appearance

he put up a bold front.
Type Words
Type of place, position
Derivation frontal

he walked to the front of the stage.
Type Words
Type of side
Has types nose, nose cone, face, frontage, facade, storefront, fore, bow, prow, ogive, frontal, shirtfront, shopfront, frontispiece, stem
Derivation frontal