Dutch language

How to pronounce form in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms cast, shape
Type of visual aspect, appearance
Type Words
Synonyms pattern, shape
Type of structure
Has types mosaic, gestalt, fractal, kaleidoscope, grid, strand

the composition presents problems for students of musical form.
Type Words
Synonyms descriptor, signifier, word form
Type of word
Has types citation form, singular form, initialism, singular, entry word, root word, root, etymon, radical, plural form, main entry word, plural, ghost word, abbreviation, acronym, theme, base, stem

the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached.
Type Words
Synonyms forge, mold, mould, shape, work
Type of create from raw material, create from raw stuff
Has types cut out, upset, beat, carve, cast, chip, coil, grind, hand-build, handbuild, hill, layer, machine, model, mold, mould, mound, preform, puddle, remold, reshape, roughcast, sculpt, sculpture, sinter, stamp, swage, throw
Verb group work on, process, work
Derivation formation
Type Words
Synonyms configuration, conformation, contour, shape
Type of spatiality, spatial property
Has types crookedness, angularity, bluntness, concaveness, concavity, convexity, convexness, curvature, curve, dullness, keenness, lobularity, narrowing, roundness, sharpness, straightness, stratification, topography
Type Words
Synonyms imprint
Type of work, influence, act upon
Derivation formative
Type Words
Synonyms class, course, grade
Type of assemblage, gathering
Has types discussion section, section, master class
Type Words
Synonyms organise, organize
Type of make, create
Has types syndicate, reorganise, regiment, choose up, regroup, reorganize, draw up
Derivation formation

social groups form everywhere.
They formed a company.
Type Words
Synonyms strain, var., variant
Type of taxonomic category, taxonomic group, taxon
Type Words
Synonyms kind, sort, variety
Type of category
Has types like, make, flavour, the likes of, art form, the like, style, stripe, species, type, brand, manner, model, description, antitype, genre, genus, ilk, color, colour, flavor

sculpture is a form of art.
Type Words
Synonyms manakin, manikin, mannequin, mannikin
Type of dummy
Type Words
Synonyms spring, take form, take shape
Type of become
Has types regenerate
Derivation formation
Type Words
Synonyms anatomy, bod, build, chassis, figure, flesh, frame, human body, material body, physical body, physique, shape, soma
Type of organic structure, body
Has types male body, adult body, person, female body, juvenile body
Type Words
Synonyms shape
Type of attribute
Has types connection, amorphous shape, plume, plane, link, pillar, natural shape, connexion, circle, column, flair, solid, tower, angular shape, sheet, triangle, angularity, flare, figure, line, distorted shape, round shape, square, distortion
Type Words
Synonyms constitute, make
Type of constitute, represent, be, comprise, make up
Has types add, chelate

This wall forms the background of the stage setting.
Type Words
Synonyms shape
Type of alter, modify, change
Has types strain, scallop, round out, round off, round, roll, ridge, circle, tabulate, plume, individuate, fork, flatten, fit, encircle, draw, terrace, distort, tie, dish, dimension, deform, cup, crystallize, crystallise, crystalize, crystalise, twist, block, blow, square up, strike, square, turn, sliver, scollop
Derivation formation

form the young child's character.
Type Words
Synonyms phase
Type of state, state of matter
Has types dispersing medium, dispersed particles, dispersion medium, dispersing phase, dispersed phase
Type Words
Type of cast, mold, mould

they built elaborate forms for pouring the foundation.
Type Words
Type of ability

he was at the top of his form.
the team was off form last night.
Type Words
Type of genre, writing style, literary genre
Has types versification

the essay was in the form of a dialogue.
he first sketches the plot in outline form.
Type Words
Type of style, mode, way, fashion, manner

his resentment took the form of extreme hostility.
Type Words
Type of document, written document, papers
Has types requisition form, order form, questionnaire, requisition, claim form, tax form, telegraph form, application form

he filled out his tax form.
Type Words
Type of change
Has types grain, conglobate, conglobe, culminate, head, granulate, reticulate, bunch, brecciate, cluster, constellate, bead, clump, bundle, flake

the water formed little beads.