Dutch language

How to pronounce fool in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms muggins, sap, saphead, tomfool
Type of simpleton, simple
Has types cuckoo, fathead, flibbertigibbet, foolish woman, fucker, ass, goofball, goof, bozo, buffoon, clown, goose, jackass, meshuggeneh, meshuggener, morosoph, putz, twat, wally, zany
Type Words
Synonyms befool, cod, dupe, gull, put on, put one across, put one over, slang, take in
Type of deceive, lead astray, betray
Has types pull the leg of, kid

You can't fool me!.
Type Words
Synonyms jester, motley fool
Type of clown, buffoon, goofball, merry andrew, goof
Type Words
Synonyms dissipate, fool away, fritter, fritter away, frivol away, shoot
Type of squander, ware, waste, consume
Type Words
Synonyms chump, fall guy, gull, mark, mug, patsy, soft touch, sucker
Type of victim, dupe
Type Words
Synonyms arse around, fool around, horse around
Type of joke, jest, play
Derivation foolery

The bored children were fooling about.
Type Words
Synonyms befool, gull
Type of deceive, cozen, delude, lead on