Dutch language

How to pronounce folk in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms common people, folks
Type of people
Has types rabble, ragtag, ragtag and bobtail, riffraff, countryfolk, grass roots, home folk, country people, gentlefolk

they're just country folk.
folks around here drink moonshine.
Type Words
Synonyms family, family line, kinfolk, kinsfolk, phratry, sept
Type of bloodline, stock, stemma, pedigree, descent, ancestry, parentage, origin, blood, line of descent, lineage, line, blood line
Has types dynasty, gens, homefolk, house, name, people
Type Words
Synonyms ethnic music, folk music
Type of popular music, popular music genre
Has types square-dance music, gospel, folksong, country and western, folk song, folk ballad, c and w, schottische, country music, gospel singing
Type Words
Synonyms tribe
Type of social group
Has types phyle