Dutch language

How to pronounce flag in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms signal flag
Type of visual signal
Has types code flag, nautical signal flag, red flag, pennant
Type Words
Synonyms ease off, ease up, slacken off
Type of diminish, lessen, fall, decrease
Type Words
Synonyms flagstone
Type of paving stone
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Synonyms pin
Type of golf equipment
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Synonyms masthead
Type of list, listing
Type Words
Synonyms fleur-de-lis, iris, sword lily
Type of iridaceous plant
Has types vernal iris, blue flag, beardless iris, yellow flag, yellow iris, bearded iris, yellow water flag, iris xiphioides, iris virginica, iris versicolor, iris verna, iris pseudacorus, iris persica, iris foetidissima, iris cristata, roast beef plant, southern blue flag, dwarf iris, bulbous iris, persian iris, english iris, gladdon iris, gladdon, stinking gladwyn, stinking iris
Type Words
Synonyms droop, sag, swag
Type of drop down, drop, sink
Has types bag, slouch, slump
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Type of tail
Type Words
Type of sign, signalize, signalise, signal
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Type of adorn, beautify, decorate, ornament, grace, embellish

the building was flagged for the holiday.
Type Words
Type of emblem
Has types fanion, banner, battle flag, black flag, blackjack, colors, colours, confederate flag, ensign, american flag, flag of truce, jack, jolly roger, national flag, old glory, pennant, pennon, pirate flag, standard, star-spangled banner, stars and bars, stars and stripes, streamer, tricolor, tricolour, union flag, union jack, waft, white flag, yellow jack
Type Words
Type of mark