Dutch language

How to pronounce fix in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms localisation, localization, locating, location
Type of determination, finding
Has types echo sounding, echolocation

he got a good fix on the target.
Type Words
Synonyms hole, jam, kettle of fish, mess, muddle, pickle
Type of difficulty
Has types dog's breakfast, dog's dinner

he got into a terrible fix.
Type Words
Synonyms bushel, doctor, furbish up, mend, repair, restore, touch on
Type of ameliorate, amend, improve, meliorate, better
Has types patch, piece, point, fill, fiddle, vamp, troubleshoot, darn, trouble-shoot, sole, reheel, repoint, heel, resole, revamp, cobble, tinker, patch up
Derivation fixing, fixture, fixer
Type Words
Synonyms deposit, posit, situate
Type of set, position, place, put, lay, pose
Has types sediment, bury

fix your eyes on this spot.
Type Words
Synonyms desex, desexualise, desexualize, sterilise, sterilize, unsex
Type of operate, operate on
Has types castrate, emasculate, vasectomize, spay, vasectomise, alter, demasculinize, demasculinise, neuter
Derivation fixing
Type Words
Synonyms define, determine, limit, set, specify
Type of take, pick out, choose, select
Has types reset, name, quantify, define

fix the variables.
Type Words
Synonyms gear up, prepare, ready, set, set up
Type of alter, change, modify
Has types summerize, cultivate, crop, winterize, winterise, set, set up, cram, socialise, socialize, lay out, provide, prime, work, mount, precondition, brace, poise, summerise

I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill.
Type Words
Synonyms get, pay back, pay off
Type of get even, get back
Verb group pay

That'll fix him good!.
Type Words
Synonyms fixing, fixture, mend, mending, repair, reparation
Type of improvement
Has types quickie, quicky, quick fix, care, band aid, patching, darning, maintenance, reconstruction, restitution, restoration, upkeep
Type Words
Synonyms cook, make, prepare, ready
Type of create from raw material, create from raw stuff
Has types dress, escallop, flambe, keep, lard, whip up, precook, preserve, put on, whomp up, concoct, cook up, deglaze, scallop, devil, dress out
Verb group make

fix breakfast for the guests, please.
Type Words
Synonyms fasten, secure
Type of attach
Has types zipper, anchor, bandage, bar, belay, belt, berth, bight, bind, bitt, brad, brooch, buckle, button, cable, cast anchor, cement, chain, chock, cinch, clamp, clasp, cleat, clinch, coapt, cramp, crank, deposit, drop anchor, entrench, garter, girth, ground, grout, hang, hang up, hasp, hook, intrench, joggle, joint, latch, lock, lock up, lodge, moor, noose, picket, pin, rig, rivet, rope up, run up, sew, sew together, spike, stake, staple, stay, stick, stitch, strap, string, tack, tie, tie up, toggle, velcro, wedge, wire, zip, zip up
Derivation fixture

she fixed her gaze on the man.
Type Words
Synonyms fixate
Type of attach

let's fix the picture to the frame.
Type Words
Type of granting immunity, exemption, immunity

collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers.
Type Words
Type of act upon, influence, work

fix a race.
Type Words
Type of set, set up, gear up, ready, prepare
Derivation fixing
Type Words
Type of institute, constitute, plant, found, establish

Let's fix the date for the party!.
Type Words
Type of intravenous injection

she needed a fix of chocolate.