Dutch language

How to pronounce firing in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms discharge, dismissal, dismission, liberation, release, sack, sacking
Type of ending, conclusion, termination
Has types honorable discharge, superannuation, inactivation, section eight, deactivation, removal, congee, conge, dishonorable discharge
Derivation fire
Type Words
Synonyms fire
Type of attack, onset, onslaught, onrush
Has types burst, call fire, cannon fire, concentrated fire, counterfire, counterpreparation fire, cover, covering fire, crossfire, destruction fire, direct fire, volley, artillery fire, barrage, barrage fire, battery, bombardment, broadside, massed fire, neutralization fire, observed fire, preparation fire, radar fire, registration fire, salvo, scheduled fire, searching fire, shelling, supporting fire, suppressive fire, unobserved fire, antiaircraft fire, distributed fire, fratricide, friendly fire, fusillade, grazing fire, harassing fire, hostile fire, indirect fire, interdiction fire
Derivation fire
Type Words
Synonyms discharge, firing off
Type of shot, shooting
Has types gun
Derivation fire
Type Words
Synonyms ignition, inflammation, kindling, lighting
Type of combustion, burning