Dutch language

How to pronounce fire in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms arouse, elicit, enkindle, evoke, kindle, provoke, raise
Type of create, make
Has types rekindle, anger, wound, whelm, wake, upset, untune, touch a chord, sweep over, strike a chord, stir up, stir, stimulate, spite, shame, shake up, shake, prick, overwhelm, overtake, overpower, overcome, offend, invite, interest, injure, inflame, infatuate, ignite, hurt, heat, fire up, excite, draw, disconcert, discompose, discomfit, ask for, bruise
Type Words
Synonyms fuel
Type of furnish, supply, provide, render

Oil fires the furnace.
Type Words
Synonyms open fire
Type of blast, shoot
Derivation firing
Type Words
Synonyms discharge, go off

The gun fired.
Type Words
Synonyms flame, flaming
Type of burning, combustion
Has types flare, ignition, blaze, blazing
Derivation fiery

fire was one of our ancestors' first discoveries.
Type Words
Synonyms ignite, light

fire the furnace.
Type Words
Synonyms ardor, ardour, fervency, fervidness, fervor, fervour
Type of passion, passionateness
Has types zeal
Derivation fiery
Type Words
Synonyms flame up

The furnace wouldn't fire.
Type Words
Synonyms firing
Type of attack, onslaught, onset, onrush
Has types registration fire, radar fire, preparation fire, barrage fire, supporting fire, searching fire, battery, observed fire, neutralization fire, scheduled fire, massed fire, interdiction fire, suppressive fire, indirect fire, unobserved fire, barrage, hostile fire, harassing fire, shelling, grazing fire, volley, fusillade, friendly fire, fratricide, bombardment, broadside, artillery fire, distributed fire, direct fire, destruction fire, crossfire, covering fire, cover, burst, counterpreparation fire, counterfire, antiaircraft fire, call fire, concentrated fire, cannon fire, salvo

hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes.
they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire.
Type Words
Synonyms attack, blast, flack, flak
Type of criticism, unfavorable judgment

Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party.
Type Words
Synonyms can, dismiss, displace, force out, give notice, give the axe, give the sack, sack, send away, terminate
Type of remove
Has types send away, clean out, dismiss, drop, furlough, lay off, pension off, retire, send packing, squeeze out
Derivation firing

The boss fired his secretary today.
Type Words
Synonyms discharge
Has types let drive, fusillade, blast, let fly, loose off, pop, shoot
Derivation firing

fire a gun.
fire a bullet.
Type Words
Synonyms burn, burn down
Type of destroy, ruin
Has types cremate, backfire, torch, scorch
Verb group incinerate, combust, burn
Type Words
Type of hearth, open fireplace, fireplace
Has types cookfire

they sat by the fire and talked.
Type Words
Type of trial, visitation, tribulation

he went through fire and damnation.
Type Words
Type of bake

fire pottery.
Type Words
Type of drive away, dispel, run off, chase away, turn back, drive out, drive off

The soldiers were fired.
Surrender fires the cold skepticism.
Type Words
Type of fuel

put the kettle on the fire.
barbecue over an open fire.
Type Words
Type of generate

the neurons fired fast.
Type Words
Type of element
Type Words
Type of happening, occurrent, occurrence, natural event
Has types smolder, campfire, conflagration, backfire, balefire, forest fire, grassfire, inferno, prairie fire, smudge, smoulder, brush fire, bonfire

they lost everything in the fire.