Dutch language

How to pronounce figure in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms digit
Type of whole number, integer
Has types sixer, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ace, binary digit, captain hicks, cinque, cipher, cypher, decimal digit, deuce, deuce-ace, duodecimal digit, eight, eighter, eighter from decatur, ennead, fin, five, fivesome, four, foursome, half a dozen, heptad, hexad, hexadecimal digit, i, ii, iii, iv, ix, leash, little joe, little phoebe, nina from carolina, nine, niner, nought, octad, octal digit, octet, octonary, ogdoad, one, pentad, phoebe, quadruplet, quartet, quatern, quaternary, quaternion, quaternity, quint, quintet, quintuplet, septenary, septet, sestet, seven, sevener, sextet, sextuplet, significant digit, significant figure, single, sise, six, 0, tercet, ternary, ternion, terzetto, tetrad, three, threesome, tierce, trey, triad, trine, trinity, trio, triplet, troika, two, unity, v, vi, vii, viii, zero
Type Words
Synonyms calculate, count on, estimate, forecast, reckon
Type of judge, evaluate, pass judgment
Has types take into account, allow
Type Words
Synonyms enter
Type of be

Elections figure prominently in every government program.
How do the elections figure in the current pattern of internal politics?.
Type Words
Synonyms fig
Type of illustration
Type Words
Synonyms design, pattern
Type of decoration, ornament, ornamentation
Has types argyle, mihrab, mandala, marking, herringbone, sunburst, tattoo, screen saver, tetraskele, tetraskelion, damascene, herringbone pattern, decal, triskele, triskelion, decalcomania, argyll, weave, pyrograph, polka dot, emblem, device, motive, motif, linocut, bear claw
Type Words
Synonyms number
Type of amount
Has types multiplicity, preponderance, numerousness, numerosity, minority, majority, innumerableness, fewness, countlessness, bulk, roundness, prevalence

the figure was about a thousand.
Type Words
Synonyms name, public figure
Type of important person, influential person, personage

she is an important figure in modern music.
Type Words
Synonyms anatomy, bod, build, chassis, flesh, form, frame, human body, material body, physical body, physique, shape, soma
Type of organic structure, body
Has types person, male body, adult body, juvenile body, female body
Type Words
Synonyms envision, fancy, image, picture, project, see, visualise, visualize
Type of ideate, imagine, conceive of, envisage
Verb group visualize, visualise, realize, realise, understand, see
Derivation figuration
Type Words
Synonyms figure of speech, image, trope
Type of rhetorical device
Has types hyperbole, oxymoron, simile, prosopopoeia, personification, zeugma, exaggeration, metonymy, irony, metaphor, conceit, synecdoche, kenning
Type Words
Synonyms calculate, cipher, compute, cypher, reckon, work out
Type of reason
Has types process, prorate, capitalize, capitalise, budget, average out, average, approximate, quantise, add together, add, subtract, guess, resolve, misestimate, multiply, gauge, recalculate, take off, quantize, fraction, factor out, factor in, factor, extrapolate, extract, estimate, divide, differentiate, deduct, interpolate, integrate, miscalculate, survey, solve, judge
Verb group work out
Derivation figurer, figuring
Type Words
Type of form, shape
Has types three-dimensional figure, subfigure, parallel, pencil, equilateral, solid figure, two-dimensional figure, plane figure
Type Words
Type of model, simulation
Has types puppet, figurehead, snowman, dummy, figurine, marionette, statuette

he made a figure of Santa Claus.
Type Words
Type of sum, amount, sum of money, amount of money

a figure of $17 was suggested.
Type Words
Type of maneuver, manoeuvre, play
Has types spread eagle, figure eight

she made the best score on compulsory figures.
Type Words
Type of perception, perceptual experience, percept
Type Words
Type of impression, effect

he cut a fine figure.
a heroic figure.
Type Words
Type of compass, apprehend, savvy, get the picture, grasp, dig, comprehend, grok

He didn't figure her.