Dutch language

How to pronounce field in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms bailiwick, discipline, field of study, study, subject, subject area, subject field
Type of domain, knowledge base, knowledge domain
Has types humanistic discipline, allometry, applied science, architecture, theology, theogony, technology, arts, scientific discipline, science, bibliotics, protology, communication theory, communications, divinity, ology, engineering, engineering science, escapology, occultism, numerology, military science, major, liberal arts, landscape architecture, frontier, futuristics, futurology, genealogy, graphology, humanities
Type Words
Synonyms field of operation, line of business
Type of business, business enterprise, commercial enterprise

they are outstanding in their field.
Type Words
Synonyms field of view
Type of visual image, visual percept
Has types microscopic field, operative field
Type Words
Synonyms area, arena, domain, orbit, sphere
Type of environment
Has types land, province, realm, responsibility, political arena, front, lap, preserve, kingdom, political sphere, distaff
Type Words
Synonyms field of force, force field
Type of physical phenomenon
Has types magnetic field, flux, radiation field, gravitational field, electric field, magnetic flux
Type Words
Synonyms athletic field, playing area, playing field
Type of parcel of land, parcel, piece of ground, piece of land, tract
Has types palestra, football field, palaestra, court, baseball field, ball field, scene of action, bowling green, diamond, gridiron, soccer field, pitch, arena

the home crowd cheered when Princeton took the field.
Type Words
Synonyms airfield, flying field, landing field
Type of facility, installation
Has types aerodrome, airdrome, landing strip, flight strip, strip, airstrip, auxiliary airfield, drome, airport
Type Words
Synonyms champaign, plain
Type of ground, land, earth, terra firma, dry land, solid ground
Has types moor, flat, snowfield, moorland, peneplain, steppe, llano, flood plain, floodplain, tundra, peneplane

he longed for the fields of his youth.
Type Words
Synonyms battlefield, battleground, field of battle, field of honor
Type of piece of ground, parcel of land, parcel, tract, piece of land

they made a tour of Civil War battlefields.
Type Words
Synonyms field of operations, theater, theater of operations, theatre, theatre of operations
Type of region

the army was in the field awaiting action.
Type Words
Type of geographic area, geographical region, geographical area, geographic region
Has types coalfield, oilfield, gasfield

the diamond fields of South Africa.
Type Words
Type of set
Type Words
Type of set
Type Words
Type of answer, reply, respond

The lawyer fielded all questions from the press.
Type Words
Type of parcel, piece of land, piece of ground, parcel of land, tract
Has types paddy, campus, paddy field, grounds, curtilage, lawn, rice paddy, grain field, grainfield, fireguard, yard, firebreak

he planted a field of wheat.
Type Words
Type of handle, palm
Derivation fielder, fielding
Type Words
Type of set
Has types bit field
Type Words
Type of set
Has types scalar field

the set of all rational numbers is a field.
Type Words
Type of play
Derivation fielding, fielder
Type Words
Type of take, pick out, choose, select

The Buckeyes fielded a young new quarterback for the Rose Bowl.
Type Words
Type of region

anthropologists do much of their work in the field.