Dutch language

How to pronounce fence in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms argue, contend, debate
Type of converse, discourse
Has types dispute, spar, squabble, stickle, argufy, altercate, niggle, oppose, brabble, pettifog, quarrel, quibble, scrap, bicker
Type Words
Synonyms fence in
Type of enclose, shut in, inclose, close in
Derivation fencing

we fenced in our yard.
Type Words
Synonyms fencing
Type of barrier
Has types chainlink fence, wall, weir, split-rail fence, rail fence, stone wall, hedge, hedgerow, backstop, paling, picket fence
Type Words
Synonyms fence in, palisade, surround, wall
Type of protect
Has types circumvallate, stockade
Type Words
Type of bargainer, dealer, monger, trader
Type Words
Type of fight, struggle, contend
Has types parry, deflect, block
Derivation fencing, fencer
Type Words
Type of have, receive