Dutch language

How to pronounce family in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms home, house, household, menage
Type of social unit, unit
Has types conjugal family, foster family, foster home, broken home, nuclear family, menage a trois, extended family

he moved his family to Virginia.
the family refused to accept his will.
Type Words
Synonyms family line, folk, kinfolk, kinsfolk, phratry, sept
Type of stemma, ancestry, blood, blood line, bloodline, descent, line, line of descent, lineage, origin, parentage, pedigree, stock
Has types house, name, people, dynasty, gens, homefolk

his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower.
Type Words
Synonyms crime syndicate, mob, syndicate
Type of gangdom, gangland, organized crime
Has types maffia, cosa nostra, mafia
Type Words
Synonyms kin, kinsperson
Type of relative, relation
Has types affine
Derivation familial

he's family.
Type Words
Synonyms fellowship
Type of association
Has types koinonia

the message was addressed not just to employees but to every member of the company family.
Type Words
Synonyms category, class
Type of collection, assemblage, accumulation, aggregation
Has types brass family, denomination, stamp, woodwind family, grammatical category, histocompatibility complex, syntactic category, substitution class, paradigm, violin family, sex, conjugation, declension
Type Words
Synonyms family unit
Type of kindred, kinship group, kin group, kin, tribe, clan
Has types match, marriage, man and wife, couple, married couple, mates
Derivation familial

he wanted to have a good job before starting a family.
Type Words
Type of taxon, taxonomic category, taxonomic group
Has types plant family, bacteria family, panorpidae, protoctist family, bird family, bittacidae, amphibian family, worm family, chordate family, coelenterate family, ctenophore family, dicot family, echinoderm family, endamoebidae, family bittacidae, family endamoebidae, family panorpidae, fern family, filoviridae, fish family, form family, fungus family, liliopsid family, arthropod family, magnoliopsid family, mammal family, reptile family, mollusk family, monocot family, moss family

sharks belong to the fish family.