Dutch language

How to pronounce eye in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms oculus, optic
Type of receptor, sensory receptor, sense organ
Has types compound eye, naked eye, ocellus, oculus dexter, oculus sinister, od, os, peeper, simple eye, stemma
Type Words
Synonyms eyeball
Type of look
Type Words
Synonyms center, centre, heart, middle
Type of country, area
Has types financial center, storm centre, storm center, center stage, central city, centre stage, seat, city center, city centre, midstream, midfield, medical center, inner city, hub

they were in the eye of the storm.
Type Words
Type of hole
Derivation eyelet

the thread wouldn't go through the eye.
Type Words
Type of attention, attending

he tried to catch her eye.
Type Words
Type of sagaciousness, judgment, judgement, sagacity, discernment

she has an eye for fresh talent.
he has an artist's eye.