Dutch language

How to pronounce executive department in Dutch?

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Type of department of the federal government, federal office, federal department
Has types commerce department, defense, defense department, department of agriculture, department of commerce, department of commerce and labor, department of defense, department of education, department of energy, department of health and human services, department of health education and welfare, department of homeland security, department of housing and urban development, department of justice, department of labor, department of state, department of the interior, department of the treasury, department of transportation, department of veterans affairs, doc, dod, doe, doi, doj, dol, dos, dot, education, education department, energy, energy department, exec, white house, agriculture department, commerce, war department, agriculture, health and human services, hhs, homeland security, housing and urban development, hud, interior, interior department, justice, justice department, labor, labor department, navy department, state, state department, transportation, treasury, treasury department, united states department of defense, united states department of state, united states treasury, usda, va