Dutch language

How to pronounce evasion in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms nonpayment
Type of commerce, commercialism, mercantilism
Has types tax evasion

his evasion of all his creditors.
Type Words
Synonyms dodging, escape
Type of carelessness, neglect, negligence, nonperformance
Has types escape mechanism, soldiering, goldbricking, malingering, slacking, circumvention, shirking, skulking, goofing off
Derivation evade

his evasion of his clear duty was reprehensible.
Type Words
Synonyms equivocation
Type of misrepresentation, deceit, deception
Has types quiddity, quibble, indirect expression, doublespeak, hedge, hedging, cavil, circumlocution
Type Words
Type of escape, flight
Has types evasive action, elusion, eluding, dodge, maneuver, manoeuvre, slip
Derivation evade