Dutch language

How to pronounce escape in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms get away
Type of break loose, get away
Derivation escapist

We escaped to our summer house for a few days.
Type Words
Synonyms escape cock, escape valve, relief valve, safety valve
Type of valve, regulator
Type Words
Synonyms elude
Type of bewilder, vex, stupefy, stick, puzzle, pose, perplex, nonplus, mystify, gravel, get, flummox, dumbfound, beat, baffle, amaze
Has types resist, refuse, defy
Type Words
Synonyms dodging, evasion
Type of neglect, carelessness, negligence, nonperformance
Has types slacking, soldiering, malingering, goofing off, circumvention, escape mechanism, goldbricking, shirking, skulking

that escape from the consequences is possible but unattractive.
Type Words
Synonyms miss
Type of avoid
Type Words
Synonyms leak, leakage, outflow
Type of discharge, run, outpouring

they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe.
Type Words
Synonyms break away, bunk, fly the coop, head for the hills, hightail it, lam, run, run away, scarper, scat, take to the woods, turn tail
Type of go away, go forth, leave
Has types fly, take flight, skedaddle, flee

The burglars escaped before the police showed up.
Type Words
Synonyms break loose, get away
Type of fly, flee, take flight
Has types slip, bilk, break, break away, break out, elude, escape from, evade, exfiltrate, get away, throw off, run away, shake, shake off
Derivation escapee

The convicted murderer escaped from a high security prison.
Type Words
Synonyms escapism
Type of diversion, recreation

romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life.
Type Words
Synonyms flight
Type of running away
Has types break, lam, hegira, evasion, prison-breaking, prisonbreak, skedaddle, breakout, jailbreak, hejira, getaway, gaolbreak, exodus

he made his escape from the mental hospital.
the canary escaped from its cage.
Type Words
Synonyms get away, get by, get off, get out
Type of avoid
Has types evade
Type Words
Type of way, means, agency

hard work was his escape from worry.
they installed a second hatch as an escape.
their escape route.
Type Words
Type of dodging, shunning, turning away, avoidance

that was a narrow escape.
Type Words
Type of plant life, flora, plant
Type Words
Type of emerge, come forth, come out, egress, go forth, issue

Gas escaped into the bedroom.