Dutch language

How to pronounce drop in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms bead, pearl
Type of sphere
Has types dewdrop, teardrop
Derivation droplet

he studied the shapes of low-viscosity drops.
Type Words
Synonyms discharge, drop off, put down, set down, unload
Type of deliver
Has types air-drop, wharf

drop off the passengers at the hotel.
Type Words
Synonyms degenerate, deteriorate, devolve
Type of worsen, decline
Has types weary, tire, waste, fatigue, jade, languish, fade, pall, rot
Type Words
Synonyms drop down, sink
Type of change posture
Has types sag, swag, sag down, fall open, droop, flag, drop open
Verb group fall off, slump, sink
Type Words
Synonyms dip, fall, free fall
Type of decrease, decrement
Has types correction, voltage drop

a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index.
there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery.
Type Words
Synonyms fall
Type of descent, gravitation
Has types precipitation, free fall, plunge

it was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height.
Type Words
Synonyms dribble, drip
Type of pour
Verb group drip
Derivation dropper
Type Words
Synonyms dismiss, send away, send packing
Type of sack, dismiss, give the sack, can, give the axe, displace, give notice, fire, force out, terminate, send away

They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock.
Type Words
Synonyms expend, spend
Type of pay
Has types commit, consume, economize, economise, eat up, wipe out, eat, afford, waste, ware, invest, wanton away, lay out, misspend, wanton, nickel-and-dime, use up, underspend, penny-pinch, piddle, piddle away, place, trifle away, trifle, put, exhaust, blow, run through, deplete, save, squander
Type Words
Synonyms drib, driblet
Type of small indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity
Has types droplet, tear, teardrop, eyedrop, eye-drop, raindrop
Derivation droplet

he had a drop too much to drink.
a drop of each sample was analyzed.
there is not a drop of pity in that man.
Type Words
Synonyms cast, cast off, shake off, shed, throw, throw away, throw off
Type of take away, withdraw, remove, take
Has types autotomise, moult, slough, exuviate, abscise, molt, exfoliate, shed, autotomize
Type Words
Synonyms cut down, fell, strike down
Type of cut
Has types cut, chop down, poleaxe, poleax, lumber, log
Type Words
Synonyms dangle, swing
Type of hang
Has types loll, droop

The light dropped from the ceiling.
Type Words
Synonyms cliff, drop-off
Type of formation, geological formation
Has types precipice, crag

a steep drop.
Type Words
Synonyms knock off
Type of lay off, give up, quit, discontinue, stop, cease
Has types nol.pros., nolle pros, nolle prosequi

drop a lawsuit.
Type Words
Synonyms leave out, miss, neglect, omit, overleap, overlook, pretermit
Has types jump, pass over, skip, forget, skip over
Type Words
Synonyms drop cloth, drop curtain
Type of drapery, curtain, pall, mantle, drape
Type Words
Synonyms flatten
Type of modify, alter, change
Type Words
Type of repository, deposit, depositary, depository
Has types maildrop
Type Words
Type of hiding place
Has types dead drop
Type Words
Type of change

She dropped into army jargon.
Type Words
Type of fall

shop til you drop.
Type Words
Type of bear, deliver, have, give birth, birth

The cow dropped her calf this morning.
Type Words
Type of wane, go down, decline
Has types sink, slump, fall off, tumble

Stock prices dropped.
Type Words
Type of displace, move
Has types plump down, plank down, hang, plop, dump, plonk down
Verb group sink, drop down

Don't drop the dishes.
Type Words
Type of lose

The Giants dropped 11 of their first 13.
Type Words
Type of elide

New Englanders drop their post-vocalic r's.
Type Words
Type of do drugs, drug

She dropped acid when she was a teenager.
Type Words
Type of remove
Verb group dismiss, send away, send packing

drop him from the Republican ticket.
Type Words
Type of descent

they expected the drop would be successful.
Type Words
Type of come down, descend, fall, go down
Has types plummet, flump down, flump, decline, plump, plunge, dump

the bombs are dropping on enemy targets.
Type Words
Type of verbalize, express, give tongue to, verbalise, utter

drop a hint.
drop names.