Dutch language

How to pronounce drink in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms pledge, salute, toast, wassail
Type of reward, honour, honor
Has types give

Let's drink to the New Year.
Type Words
Synonyms drink in
Type of engross, plunge, steep, soak up, absorb, immerse, engulf

The mother drinks in every word of her son on the stage.
Type Words
Synonyms beverage, drinkable, potable
Type of food, nutrient, liquid
Has types near beer, cooler, oenomel, cyder, alcohol, ade, alcoholic beverage, tea-like drink, tea, drinking chocolate, drinking water, alcoholic drink, fizz, potion, java, coffee, mate, milk, mixer, smoothie, refresher, intoxicant, wish-wash, fruit crush, fruit drink, fruit juice, ginger beer, soft drink, chocolate, hot chocolate, hydromel, cider, cocoa, inebriant
Type Words
Synonyms deglutition, swallow
Type of uptake, ingestion, consumption, intake
Has types gulp, draft, aerophagia, draught, sip, swig

he took a drink of his beer and smacked his lips.
Type Words
Synonyms boozing, crapulence, drinking, drunkenness
Type of intemperance, intemperateness
Has types drinking bout

drink was his downfall.
Type Words
Synonyms booze, fuddle, hit the bottle
Type of take in, have, take, consume, ingest
Has types pub-crawl, bar hop, soak, bib, port, inebriate, carry, claret, tipple, souse, hold, tank, wine, hit it up
Verb group tope
Derivation drinker, drinking

We were up drinking all night.
Type Words
Synonyms tope
Type of waste, squander, ware, consume
Verb group fuddle, booze, hit the bottle
Derivation drinking, drunkard, drinker

The husband drinks and beats his wife.
Type Words
Synonyms imbibe
Type of ingest, consume, have, take, take in
Has types gurgle, guggle, drink up, pour down, down, quaff, bolt down, sip, belt down, toss off, suck, swig, swill, swill down, guzzle, gulp, kill, lap, lap up, lick, drink down, pop, drain the cup
Derivation drinking, drinker

The patient must drink several liters each day.
The children like to drink soda.
Type Words
Type of water, body of water

he jumped into the drink and had to be rescued.
Type Words
Type of portion, serving, helping
Has types toast, chaser, draft, draught, eye opener, float, frappe, hair of the dog, ice-cream float, ice-cream soda, libation, milk shake, milkshake, nightcap, pledge, posset, potation, sangaree, sangria, shake, shandy, shandygaff, sillabub, stirrup cup, sundowner, syllabub, tipple, whiskey neat, whiskey on the rocks, whisky neat, whisky on the rocks

I asked for a hot drink.
likes a drink before dinner.