Dutch language

How to pronounce draw in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms string, thread
Type of set up, arrange
Has types bead, wire
Verb group guide, run, pass
Type Words
Synonyms draw poker
Type of poker, poker game

he played only draw and stud.
Type Words
Synonyms disembowel, eviscerate
Type of remove, take, take away, withdraw

draw a chicken.
Type Words
Synonyms drag, puff
Type of breathe in, inspire, inhale

draw a deep breath.
draw on a cigarette.
Type Words
Synonyms draw and quarter, quarter
Type of kill

in the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes.
Type Words
Synonyms depict, describe
Type of expound, exposit, set forth
Has types delineate, sketch, adumbrate, outline, represent
Type Words
Synonyms lot
Type of object, physical object

the luck of the draw.
Type Words
Synonyms tie
Type of equalise, equalize, equate, match, equal
Type Words
Synonyms delineate, describe, line, trace
Type of mark
Has types write, inscribe, circumscribe, construct
Derivation drawing

draw a line.
Type Words
Synonyms reap
Type of gain, derive
Type Words
Synonyms guide, pass, run
Has types thread, rub
Verb group lead, string, run, thread
Type Words
Synonyms attracter, attraction, attractor, drawing card
Type of entertainer

he was the biggest drawing card they had.
Type Words
Synonyms attract, draw in, pull, pull in
Type of pull
Has types arrest, draw in, retract, tug, catch, bring, get
Verb group retract, curl, curl up, draw in
Type Words
Synonyms hook, hooking
Type of golf stroke, swing, golf shot
Type Words
Synonyms get out, pull, pull out, take out
Type of withdraw, remove, take, take away
Has types unsheathe
Verb group pull, tear out, take out, extract, draw out, rip out, pull out, pull up
Derivation drawer

draw a weapon.
Type Words
Synonyms get
Type of set up, effect, effectuate
Type Words
Synonyms make
Type of create mentally, create by mental act
Verb group make

I draw a line here.
draw a conclusion.
draw parallels.
Type Words
Synonyms standoff, tie
Type of finish
Has types stalemate, dead heat

the game ended in a draw.
Type Words
Synonyms absorb, imbibe, soak up, sop up, suck, suck up, take in, take up
Has types blot, mop, sponge up, wipe up, mop up
Type Words
Synonyms pull back
Type of stretch
Verb group pull back

The archers were drawing their bows.
Type Words
Synonyms haul, haulage
Type of pull, pulling
Has types tow, towage
Type Words
Synonyms draw play
Type of running play, run, running, running game
Type Words
Synonyms cast
Type of go, move
Derivation drawing

draw a card.
Type Words
Synonyms draw off, take out, withdraw
Type of take away, remove, take, withdraw
Has types hive off, cheque, divert, divest, dip, tap, check out, disinvest, overdraw
Verb group take out
Derivation drawee, drawer
Type Words
Synonyms pull
Type of displace, move
Verb group pull
Type Words
Synonyms pull
Type of move, displace
Has types attract, pick off, pluck, adduct, winch, drag, cart, jerk, plunk, abduct, tug, twitch, pull, pull in, pick, draw in, pull back, tweak, stretch, haul, hale, pull off, yank
Verb group pull
Derivation drawing

draw a wagon.
Type Words
Synonyms take out
Type of withdraw, take, remove, take away
Has types milk, tap, deglycerolize, suck, syphon, rack, pump, siphon, siphon off, deglycerolise, sluice
Verb group pull out, draw off, take out, get out, pull, withdraw
Derivation drawing
Type Words
Type of gully
Type Words
Type of be
Verb group take out

This chimney draws very well.
Type Words
Type of playing card

he got a pair of kings in the draw.
Type Words
Type of change, modify, alter

She was drawn to despair.
The President refused to be drawn into delivering an ultimatum.
The session was drawn to a close.
Type Words
Type of withdraw, remove, take, take away
Type Words
Type of localize, localise
Has types suppurate, mature
Type Words
Type of change form, deform, change shape
Verb group knit, pucker, rumple, crumple, cockle
Type Words
Type of evoke, enkindle, elicit, raise, arouse, kindle, provoke, fire
Verb group reap
Type Words
Type of create
Verb group line, delineate, describe, trace
Derivation drawer, drawing

He spent the day drawing in the garden.
Type Words
Type of form, shape

draw steel.
Type Words
Type of travel, go, locomote, move
Type Words
Type of close, shut

draw the shades.
draw the curtains.
Type Words
Type of thin

draw wire.
Type Words
Type of represent, interpret
Has types rule, chalk, charcoal, fill in, cartoon, check, plot, doodle, outline, diagram, chalk out, checker, project, pencil, chequer, limn, crayon, sketch, delineate, shade
Verb group trace, delineate, line, describe
Derivation drawing, drawer
Type Words
Type of take, necessitate, postulate, involve, require, demand, call for, ask, need

This boat draws 70 inches.
Type Words
Type of select, choose, pick out, take

The participants in the experiment were drawn from a representative population.
Type Words
Type of infuse, steep

draw pulp from the fruit.
Type Words
Type of compose, write, indite, pen

The deed was drawn in the lawyer's office.