Dutch language

How to pronounce drag in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms drag on, drag out
Type of proceed, go

The speech dragged on for two hours.
Type Words
Synonyms drop back, drop behind, get behind, hang back, trail
Type of fall back, fall behind, dawdle, lag

But in so many other areas we still are dragging.
Type Words
Synonyms draw, puff
Type of breathe in, inhale, inspire
Type Words
Synonyms drag in, embroil, sweep, sweep up, tangle
Type of involve

don't drag me into this business.
Type Words
Synonyms cart, hale, haul
Type of draw, pull
Has types bouse, underrun, bowse
Derivation dragger
Type Words
Synonyms scuff
Type of shuffle, shamble, scuffle
Type Words
Synonyms puff, pull
Type of intake, inhalation, breathing in, aspiration, inspiration
Has types toke

he took a drag on his cigarette and expelled the smoke slowly.
Type Words
Synonyms dredge
Type of seek, search, look for
Type Words
Synonyms retarding force
Type of resistance
Has types sonic barrier, sound barrier, windage
Type Words
Type of vesture, clothing, article of clothing, habiliment, wearable, wear

he went to the party dressed in drag.
the waitresses looked like missionaries in drag.
Type Words
Type of move, travel, go, locomote
Type Words
Type of persuade

He dragged me away from the television set.
Type Words
Type of draw, pull
Has types pull along, train, trail, shlep, schlep
Derivation dragger

He dragged the big suitcase behind him.
These worries were dragging at him.
Type Words
Type of tedium, tediousness, tiresomeness

peeling potatoes is a drag.
Type Words
Type of handicap, deterrent, impediment, baulk, check, hindrance, balk, hinderance

taxation is a drag on the economy.
too many laws are a drag on the use of new land.
Type Words
Type of pulling, pull

the drag up the hill exhausted him.
Type Words
Type of move, displace

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