Dutch language

How to pronounce discharge in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms drop, drop off, put down, set down, unload
Type of deliver
Has types air-drop, wharf
Type Words
Synonyms arc, electric arc, electric discharge, spark
Type of electrical conduction
Has types saint ulmo's fire, corona discharge, corposant, corona, st. elmo's fire, electric glow, flashover, saint ulmo's light, saint elmo's fire, brush discharge, saint elmo's light
Type Words
Synonyms free
Has types take over, liberate, divest, disembroil, disentangle, disinvest, disinvolve, cashier, cut, set free, relieve, clear
Type Words
Synonyms fire, go off
Type Words
Synonyms eject, exhaust, expel, release
Has types blow, suppurate, spit up, spit out, spew out, spew, shed blood, pass off, pass, ovulate, maturate, abort, bleed, breathe, cough out, cough up, egest, ejaculate, eliminate, emit, eruct, excrete, expectorate, fester, hemorrhage
Type Words
Synonyms dismissal, dismission, firing, liberation, release, sack, sacking
Type of ending, termination, conclusion
Has types conge, honorable discharge, superannuation, removal, section eight, dishonorable discharge, deactivation, congee, inactivation
Type Words
Synonyms acquit, assoil, clear, exculpate, exonerate
Type of pronounce, label, judge
Has types whitewash, purge, vindicate
Type Words
Synonyms fire
Has types let fly, fusillade, loose off, shoot, let drive, blast, pop
Type Words
Synonyms muster out
Type of let go of, let go, relinquish, release
Has types deactivate, inactivate, demobilize, demobilise, cannon, demob
Type Words
Synonyms emission
Type of material, stuff
Has types transudate, rheum, transudation, effluvium, vaginal discharge, exudate, exudation
Type Words
Synonyms emission, expelling
Type of bodily function, body process, activity, bodily process
Has types menses, voiding, ejaculation, elimination, evacuation, excreting, excretion, flow, catamenia, menstruation, menstruum, period

the discharge of pus.
Type Words
Synonyms firing, firing off
Type of shot, shooting
Has types gun
Type Words
Synonyms venting
Type of emanation, emission
Type Words
Synonyms outpouring, run
Type of flowing, flow
Has types squirt, spurt, spirt, outflow, leakage, leak, jet, escape
Type Words
Synonyms empty
Type of change state, turn
Has types flow away, flow off
Type Words
Synonyms release, waiver
Type of relinquishment, relinquishing
Has types exemption, immunity, granting immunity
Type Words
Synonyms complete, dispatch
Type of carry out, action, accomplish, fulfil, fulfill, execute, carry through

discharge one's duties.
Type Words
Type of spread, distribute
Has types sprinkle, scatter, force out, squirt, squeeze out, play, disperse, dot, dust, volley, eject

discharge liquids.
Type Words
Type of withdraw, remove, take, take away
Type Words
Type of occurrent, occurrence, happening, natural event
Has types volcanic eruption, eruption, electrical discharge, blowup, detonation, explosion