Dutch language

How to pronounce difficulty in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms difficultness
Type of quality
Has types onerousness, ruggedness, severeness, severity, niceness, inconvenience, heaviness, hardship, hardness, oppressiveness, toughness, asperity, grimness, troublesomeness, formidability, effortfulness, worriment, burdensomeness, subtlety, rigor, rigorousness, rigour, rigourousness

they agreed about the difficulty of the climb.
Type Words
Synonyms trouble
Type of travail, effort, elbow grease, exertion, sweat
Has types the devil, tsuris

had difficulty walking.
finished the test only with great difficulty.
Type Words
Type of status, condition
Has types jam, job, kettle of fish, fix, mess, mire, muddle, situation, rough sledding, rattrap, pickle, pinch, urinary hesitancy, quandary, plight, problem, hard time, stress, strain, wall, hole, predicament, bitch
Type Words
Type of cognitive factor
Has types snorter, problem, booby trap, wrinkle, check, deterrent, balk, baulk, facer, trouble, handicap, hinderance, hindrance, impediment, killer, kink, pisser, pitfall