Dutch language

How to pronounce deceive in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms cozen, delude, lead on
Type of victimise, victimize
Has types betray, cheat, cheat on, chisel, cuckold, ensnare, befool, entrap, flim-flam, fob, fool, fox, frame, gull, hoax, humbug, play a joke on, play a trick on, play tricks, pull a fast one on, pull someone's leg, sell, set up, shill, trick, wander
Derivation deceptive, deception
Type Words
Synonyms betray, lead astray
Type of misinform, mislead
Has types bamboozle, befool, play false, cod, pose, fool, slang, snow, pull the wool over someone's eyes, gull, put on, hoodwink, put one across, impersonate, lead by the nose, personate, take in, put one over, dupe
Derivation deceiver, deceptive, deception

The insurance company deceived me when they told me they were covering my house.