Dutch language

How to pronounce deal in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms bargain
Type of understanding, agreement

he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals.
Type Words
Synonyms softwood
Type of wood
Has types pulpwood
Type Words
Synonyms consider, look at, take
Type of think about
Has types contemplate, trifle, play, dally, abstract, warm to
Type Words
Synonyms contend, cope, get by, grapple, make do, make out, manage
Type of move, act
Has types rub along, extemporize, fend, scrape by, scratch along, hack, cut, improvise, squeeze by, squeak by, scrape along
Type Words
Synonyms batch, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, passel, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wad
Type of large indefinite quantity, large indefinite amount
Has types inundation, torrent, haymow, flood, deluge

a deal of trouble.
Type Words
Synonyms carry on, conduct
Type of care, handle, manage
Has types racketeer
Derivation dealings, dealing
Type Words
Synonyms business deal, trade
Type of dealing, dealings, transaction
Has types penny ante, arms deal

it was a package deal.
he's a master of the business deal.
Type Words
Synonyms apportion, divvy up, portion out, share
Type of pass out, give out, hand out, distribute
Type Words
Synonyms address, cover, handle, plow, treat
Type of initiate, broach
Has types discuss, talk about, theologize, theologise, discourse
Verb group encompass, do by, treat, comprehend, cover, handle, embrace

This book deals with incest.
Type Words
Synonyms sell, trade
Type of transact
Has types push, pitch, huckster, vend, market, pyramid, black marketeer, peddle, monger, hawk
Verb group sell
Derivation dealer, dealing, dealings

She deals in gold.
Type Words
Synonyms administer, allot, deal out, dish out, dispense, distribute, dole out, lot, mete out, parcel out, shell out
Type of give
Has types assign, reallot, portion, give, allot, apply

deal a blow to someone.
Type Words
Synonyms hand
Type of accumulation, collection, aggregation, assemblage
Has types bridge hand, poker hand
Type Words
Synonyms care, handle, manage
Type of control, command
Has types mismanage, administer, administrate, carry on, come to grips, conduct, coordinate, direct, dispose of, get to grips, juggle, mind, misconduct, mishandle, organise, organize, process, take care, touch, work

I can deal with this crew of workers.
Type Words
Type of plank, board
Type Words
Type of bear, comport, carry, acquit, deport, conduct, behave
Derivation dealings, dealing

He deals fairly with his employees.
Type Words
Type of dish out, allot, mete out, shell out, deal out, distribute, lot, parcel out, administer, dole out, dispense
Has types misdeal
Derivation dealer

Who's dealing?.
Type Words
Type of reach, turn over, pass on, hand, pass, give
Derivation dealer

He dealt me the Queen of Spades.
Type Words
Type of trade, sell
Verb group trade, sell
Derivation dealer

deal hashish.
Type Words
Type of act, move
Derivation dealing, dealings

How are we going to deal with this problem?.
The teacher knew how to deal with these lazy students.
Type Words
Type of parceling, assignation, apportionment, allocation, allotment, apportioning, parcelling
Has types new deal

the captain was entrusted with the deal of provisions.
Type Words
Type of distribution
Has types misdeal

the deal was passed around the table clockwise.
Type Words
Type of outcome, final result, resultant, result, termination
Has types square deal, raw deal, fair deal

he got a good deal on his car.