Dutch language

How to pronounce dance in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms trip the light fantastic, trip the light fantastic toe
Type of move
Has types waltz around, belly dance, boogie, bop, break, break-dance, break dance, bump, cakewalk, cha-cha, charleston, clog, conga, contra danse, contradance, contredanse, country-dance, disco, folk dance, foxtrot, grind, heel, hoof, jig, jitterbug, jive, kick, mambo, mosh, one-step, polka, quickstep, rhumba, rumba, samba, shag, shimmy, skank, slam, slam dance, square dance, tango, tap, tap dance, tapdance, thrash, twist, two-step, waltz, bebop
Derivation dancer, dancing

My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio.
Type Words
Synonyms dancing, saltation, terpsichore
Type of diversion, recreation, performing arts
Has types variation, courante, mambo, hoofing, adagio, duet, pas de deux, ceremonial dance, break dancing, nautch dance, nautch, choreography, pavane, nauch, break dance, phrase, pavan, pas seul, ritual dance, ritual dancing, pas de trois, saraband, skank, slam dance, slam dancing, social dancing, stage dancing, step dancing, pas de quatre, toe dance, toe dancing
Type Words
Type of art, fine art
Has types extension, choreography
Type Words
Type of party
Has types record hop, ball, barn dance, formal, hop, rave
Type Words
Type of party
Has types ball
Type Words
Type of move
Has types sashay, capriole, glissade, chasse
Verb group trip the light fantastic toe, trip the light fantastic
Derivation dancer

The young girl danced into the room.
Type Words
Type of move

The children danced with joy.