Dutch language

How to pronounce cut down in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms bring down, cut, cut back, reduce, trim, trim back, trim down
Type of minify, decrease, lessen
Has types shorten, deflate, detract, downsize, inflate, knock off, quench, retrench, shave, slash, spill, subtract, take away, thin, thin out
Verb group cut
Type Words
Synonyms cut out
Type of arrest, turn back, stop, hold back, contain, check
Type Words
Synonyms slash
Type of cut
Type Words
Synonyms down, knock down, pull down, push down
Type of strike
Has types submarine
Type Words
Synonyms drop, fell, strike down
Type of cut
Has types lumber, log, chop down, cut, poleax, poleaxe
Type Words
Synonyms mow
Type of cut
Has types scythe