Dutch language

How to pronounce curve in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms curved shape
Type of line
Has types arc, undulation, wave, twist, arch, bell, bell-shaped curve, bell shape, bend, bow, campana, catenary, closed curve, crescent, crenation, crenature, crenel, crenelle, crook, crotchet, cupid's bow, envelope, extrados, gaussian curve, gaussian shape, gooseneck, helix, hook, intrados, lemniscate, line roulette, meander, normal curve, perversion, quadric, quadric surface, roulette, s-shape, scallop, sinuosity, sinuousness, spiral, turn
Type Words
Synonyms curl, kink
Type of change surface
Type Words
Synonyms cut, sheer, slew, slue, swerve, trend, veer
Type of turn
Has types peel off, yaw
Type Words
Synonyms bend
Type of section, segment
Has types hairpin bend, blind curve, blind bend, elbow
Derivation curvey, curvy
Type Words
Synonyms curvature
Type of conformation, shape, configuration, form, contour
Has types curliness, straightness, waviness
Derivation curvey, curvy
Type Words
Synonyms crook
Type of bend, flex
Has types recurve
Derivation curvature

the road curved sharply.
Type Words
Synonyms twist, wind
Type of be
Has types spiral, circumvolute, snake
Type Words
Synonyms arc, arch
Type of flex, bend
Has types camber
Derivation curvature

her hips curve nicely.
Type Words
Synonyms bender, breaking ball, curve ball
Type of delivery, pitch
Type Words
Type of line
Has types regression curve, regression line