Dutch language

How to pronounce cult in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms craze, fad, furor, furore, rage
Type of fashion
Type Words
Synonyms cultus, religious cult
Type of faith, religion, religious belief
Has types vodoun, voodoo, obi, rastafarianism, hoodooism, cargo cult, macumba, voodooism, obeah
Derivation cultist

devoted to the cultus of the Blessed Virgin.
Type Words
Type of faith, religious belief, religion
Derivation cultist

it was a satanic cult.
Type Words
Type of faith, religion, organized religion
Has types wicca, macumba, obeah, obi, rastafari, rastafarian, rastas, voodoo
Derivation cultist
Type Words
Type of organized religion, faith, religion
Has types cargo cult
Derivation cultist