Dutch language

How to pronounce crown in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms top
Type of culminate, climax

The speech crowned the meeting.
Type Words
Synonyms coronate
Type of invest, enthrone, vest

The prince was crowned in Westminster Abbey.
Type Words
Synonyms crest
Type of top side, top, upside, upper side
Type Words
Synonyms diadem
Type of crown jewels, jewelled headdress, jeweled headdress
Has types coronet, crown of thorns
Derivation coronate
Type Words
Synonyms crest, peak, summit, tip, top
Type of topographic point, place, spot
Has types hilltop, mountain peak, pinnacle, brow
Type Words
Synonyms treetop
Type of top
Has types capitulum
Type Words
Synonyms pate, poll
Type of upper side, top, top side, upside
Has types tonsure
Type Words
Synonyms cap, crownwork, jacket, jacket crown
Type of dental appliance

tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown.
Type Words
Synonyms pennant
Type of accolade, award, honor, honour, laurels
Type Words
Type of coin
Type Words
Type of garland, wreath, lei, chaplet, coronal
Type Words
Type of head

A weather vane crowns the building.
Type Words
Type of cover

crown my teeth.
Type Words
Type of symbol
Derivation coronate
Type Words
Type of acme, peak, vertex, apex
Type Words
Type of top