Dutch language

How to pronounce crowd in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms bunch, crew, gang
Type of gathering, assemblage

he still hangs out with the same crowd.
Type Words
Synonyms crowd together
Type of meet, forgather, foregather, gather, assemble
Has types pour, pullulate, stream, swarm, teem, herd, jam, mass, mob, throng, overcrowd, pack, pile
Derivation crowding

men in straw boaters and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah.
Type Words
Synonyms herd
Type of move, displace
Has types overcrowd
Derivation crowding
Type Words
Synonyms push
Type of approach, come near, come on, draw close, draw near, go up, near
Type Words
Type of assemblage, gathering
Has types drove, flock, troop, crush, swarm, army, horde, huddle, jam, mob, phalanx, press, rabble, rout

a crowd of insects assembled around the flowers.
Type Words
Type of occupy, fill
Derivation crowding

The students crowded the auditorium.