Dutch language

How to pronounce crook in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms bend, turn, twist
Type of curve, curved shape
Has types bight

a crook in the path.
Type Words
Synonyms criminal, felon, malefactor, outlaw
Type of principal
Has types conspirator, contrabandist, desperado, desperate criminal, drug dealer, drug peddler, drug trafficker, extortioner, extortionist, firebug, fugitive, fugitive from justice, gangster, gangster's moll, gaolbird, goon, gun moll, habitual criminal, highbinder, highjacker, hijacker, hood, hoodlum, incendiary, jail bird, jailbird, kidnaper, kidnapper, law offender, lawbreaker, liquidator, machinator, mafioso, manslayer, mobster, moll, moon-curser, moon curser, moonshiner, murderer, parolee, peddler, plotter, suborner, accessary, accessory, arsonist, blackmailer, bootlegger, briber, coconspirator, abductor, thief, thug, tough, toughie, traitor, treasonist, violator, probationer, punk, pusher, racketeer, raper, rapist, recidivist, repeater, runner, scofflaw, smuggler, snatcher, stealer, strong-armer
Type Words
Synonyms curve
Type of flex, bend
Has types recurve

He crooked his index finger.
Type Words
Synonyms shepherd's crook
Type of staff