Dutch language

How to pronounce cord in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms corduroy
Type of material, fabric, textile, cloth
Has types wide wale, narrow wale, bedford cord
Type Words
Synonyms electric cord
Type of conductor
Has types extension cord, power cord
Type Words
Type of line
Has types wick, apron string, bowstring, catgut, chenille, chenille cord, clews, clothesline, sash line, slack, static line, string, taper, thread, tie, twine, whipcord, agal, yarn, fishing line, gut, lace, lacing, laniard, lanyard, log line, perpendicular, piping, plumb line, ripcord, sash cord

the bundle was tied with a cord.
Type Words
Type of cubature unit, volume unit, capacity unit, capacity measure, cubic measure, cubic content unit, displacement unit, cubage unit
Type Words
Type of bind, tie
Type Words
Type of heap, pile, stack

cord firewood.