Dutch language

How to pronounce convert in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms change, commute, exchange
Type of replace
Has types utilize, capitalise, break, launder, rectify, capitalize
Verb group shift, switch, change
Derivation conversion, convertible

Could you convert my dollars into pounds?.
convert centimeters into inches.
convert holdings into shares.
Type Words
Synonyms change over
Type of modify, alter, change
Has types transduce, metrify, metricize, metricise, metricate, decimalise, decimalize, float
Derivation conversion, converter

We converted from 220 to 110 Volt.
Type Words
Synonyms convince, win over
Type of persuade
Has types disarm
Type Words
Synonyms commute, exchange
Type of change, alter, modify
Type Words
Type of somebody, person, mortal, soul, individual, someone
Has types converso, proselyte
Type Words
Type of change, modify, alter
Has types evangelise, latinise, proselytise, proselytize, latinize, islamise, islamize, evangelize, christianize, christianise, catholicise, catholicize

The missionaries converted the Indian population.
Type Words
Type of change
Has types immobilize, melanise, melanize, caramelise, malt, caramelize, immobilise
Derivation convertible, converter

The substance converts to an acid.
Type Words
Type of change
Derivation conversion

She converted to Buddhism.
Type Words
Type of modify, change, alter
Has types work, caramelise, caramelize, compost, cutinize, deaden, diazotize, dress, duplex, encode, ferment, feudalize, fictionalise, fictionalize, flour, fossilise, fossilize, hay, humify, keratinise, keratinize, lignify, malt, mineralize, nitrify, novelise, novelize, opalise, opalize, ozonise, ozonize, rasterize, receive, reclaim, reconvert, scrap, slag, sporulate, sulfate, tan, transcribe, transition, verbalise, verbalize
Derivation conversion, convertible, convertor

convert lead into gold.
convert hotels into jails.
convert slaves to laborers.
Type Words
Type of hit, tally, rack up, score
Type Words
Type of hit, rack up, score, tally
Derivation conversion

Smith converted and his team won.
Type Words
Type of rack up, hit, tally, score