Dutch language

How to pronounce contend in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms fight, struggle
Has types settle, chicken-fight, assail, box, tug, fence, feud, fight, fight back, fight down, fistfight, tourney, get back, join battle, joust, spar, bandy, skirmish, battle, oppose, bear down, wrestle, scuffle, war, chickenfight, wage, combat, defend, tussle, attack, duel, engage

Militant groups are contending for control of the country.
Type Words
Synonyms argue, debate, fence
Type of converse, discourse
Has types brabble, altercate, argufy, bicker, dispute, niggle, oppose, pettifog, quarrel, quibble, scrap, spar, squabble, stickle
Derivation contention
Type Words
Synonyms postulate
Type of claim
Derivation contention

He contended that Communism had no future.
Type Words
Synonyms cope, deal, get by, grapple, make do, make out, manage
Type of act, move
Has types scrape along, cut, scrape by, scratch along, rub along, squeak by, squeeze by, improvise, hack, fend, extemporize
Type Words
Synonyms compete, vie
Has types match, run off, try for, touch, equal, rival, race, run, go for, play, emulate
Derivation contender, contention
Type Words
Synonyms contest, repugn
Type of oppose
Has types challenge, gainsay, dispute
Derivation contention