Dutch language

How to pronounce constant in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms ceaseless, incessant, never-ending, perpetual, unceasing, unremitting

in constant pain.
Type Words
Synonyms changeless, invariant, unvarying
Derivation constancy

maintained a constant temperature.
Type Words
Synonyms constant quantity, invariable
Type of quantity
Has types parameter, parametric quantity
Type Words
Type of number
Has types universal gas constant, boltzmann's constant, c, coefficient, universal gravitational constant, constant of gravitation, constant of proportionality, cosmological constant, equilibrium constant, factor of proportionality, g, gas constant, gravitational constant, hubble's constant, hubble's parameter, hubble constant, hubble parameter, ionic charge, light speed, avogadro's number, avogadro number, r, speed of light

the velocity of light is a constant.
Type Words
Derivation constancy

a man constant in adherence to his ideals.
a constant lover.
constant as the northern star.