Dutch language

How to pronounce concern in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms interest, occupy, worry
Type Words
Synonyms business, business concern, business organisation, business organization
Type of enterprise
Has types manufacturing business, business firm, carrier, chain, common carrier, dealership, house, underperformer, shipbuilder, processor, partnership, firm, franchise, agency, manufacturer, maker, brokerage

a racially integrated business concern.
Type Words
Synonyms bear on, come to, have to do with, pertain, refer, relate, touch, touch on
Has types revolve around, involve, revolve about, center on, center, regard, matter to, interest, hold, go for, focus on, concentrate on, affect, apply
Verb group advert, touch, allude
Type Words
Synonyms headache, vexation, worry
Type of negative stimulus
Has types onus, bugaboo, burden, business, encumbrance, incumbrance, load

New York traffic is a constant concern.
Type Words
Synonyms care, fear
Type of anxiety
Type Words
Type of fellow feeling, sympathy
Has types tenderness, softheartedness, solicitousness, solicitude

She felt strong concern for those less fortunate.
Type Words
Type of interest, involvement
Has types thing, point of honor, personal matters, personal business, part, affair, matter, earthly concern, earth, worldly concern, affairs, world

the safety of the ship is the captain's concern.