Dutch language

How to pronounce community in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms residential area, residential district
Type of district, territorial dominion, territory, dominion
Has types suburbia, suburb, rabbit warren, planned community, uptown, exurbia, tenement district, warren, suburban area
Type Words
Synonyms community of interests
Type of agreement, accord

the preachers and the bootleggers found they had a community of interests.
Type Words
Synonyms biotic community
Type of group, grouping
Has types biome
Type Words
Type of international organisation, international organization, global organization, world organization, world organisation

they hoped to join the NATO community.
Type Words
Type of people

he was well known throughout the Catholic community.
the news spread rapidly through the medical community.
they formed a community of scientists.
Type Words
Type of gathering, assemblage
Has types parish, aleut, circassian, convent, crossroads, hamlet, horde, house, islam nation, islamic ummah, muslim ummah, neighborhood, neighbourhood, settlement, small town, speech community, umma, ummah, village

the team is drawn from all parts of the community.
Type Words
Type of ownership
Derivation communal

they shared a community of possessions.