Dutch language

How to pronounce communication in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms communicating
Type of human activity, act, deed, human action
Has types persuasion, objection, post, postal service, medium, mail service, mail, remonstrance, remonstration, line, intercommunication, expression, expostulation, exhortation, suasion, examination, exam, test, theater, theatre, touch, traffic, transmission, treatment, verbal expression, verbalism, dramaturgy, dramatics, dramatic art, dissuasion, discussion, discourse, contact, communication channel, channel
Derivation communicate, communicational

they could not act without official communication from Moscow.
Type Words
Type of connection, connexion, connectedness
Derivation communicate

how many lines of communication can there be among four people?.
a secret passageway provided communication between the two rooms.
Type Words
Type of abstraction, abstract entity
Has types black and white, written language, written communication, vox, contagion, content, didacticism, voice, display, vocalization, document, vocalism, vocalisation, visual communication, substance, subject matter, style, signaling, signal, expressive style, anomalous communication, indicant, indication, infection, sign, language, linguistic communication, publication, psychical communication, psychic communication, message, phonation, paralanguage, paralinguistic communication, auditory communication
Derivation communicate, communicational