Dutch language

How to pronounce common in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms commons, green, park
Type of tract, parcel of land, piece of land, parcel, piece of ground
Has types pleasure ground, village green, amusement park, funfair
Type Words
Synonyms mutual
Derivation commonness, commonality

a common friend.
Type Words
Synonyms vernacular, vulgar
Derivation commonness

common parlance.
Type Words
Synonyms usual
Derivation commonality, commonness

a common (or familiar) complaint.
Type Words
Synonyms coarse, rough-cut, uncouth, vulgar
Derivation commonness, commonality

behavior that branded him as common.
Type Words
Synonyms plebeian, unwashed, vulgar
Derivation commonality, commonness

the common people in those days suffered greatly.
behavior that branded him as common.
Type Words
Synonyms coarse
Derivation commonness

produced...the common cloths used by the poorer population.
Type Words
Derivation commonality, commonness

for the common good.
common lands are set aside for use by all members of a community.
Type Words
Derivation commonness, commonality

the common man.
a common sailor.
the common cold.
a common nuisance.
followed common procedure.
it is common knowledge that she lives alone.
the common housefly.
a common brand of soap.
Type Words
Derivation commonality, commonness

common decency.