Dutch language

How to pronounce come in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms derive, descend
Verb group derive, hail

he comes from humble origins.
Type Words
Synonyms add up, amount, number, total
Type of be
Has types work out, average, make, outnumber, average out
Type Words
Synonyms occur
Type of become
Type Words
Synonyms cum, ejaculate, seed, semen, seminal fluid
Type of body fluid, liquid body substance, humour, humor, bodily fluid
Has types milt
Type Words
Synonyms issue forth
Type Words
Synonyms come up
Type of locomote, go, move, travel
Has types near, accost, address, approach, come near, come on, come up to, draw close, draw near, emanate, go up
Derivation coming

come down here!.
come out of the closet!.
come into the room.
Type Words
Synonyms hail
Type of be
Verb group derive, descend
Type Words
Synonyms add up, amount
Type of turn, become
Has types aggregate
Type Words
Synonyms do, fare, get along, make out
Type of go, proceed

He's come a long way.
Type Words
Synonyms fall
Type of be

This comes under a new heading.
Type Words
Synonyms arrive, get
Has types hit, land, flood in, drive in, draw in, get in, come in, move in, bring down, attain, plump in, pull in, put down, reach, roll up, set ashore, set down, shore
Verb group get
Derivation comer, coming
Type Words
Synonyms come in
Type of get, arrive
Type Words
Synonyms follow
Type of grow, develop, spring up, originate, arise, uprise, rise

Melons come from a vine.
Understanding comes from experience.
Type Words
Type of be, exist

These shoes come in three colors; The furniture comes unassembled.
Type Words
Type of take place, come about, happen, pass off, pass, hap, go on, fall out, occur
Has types fall, descend, settle
Derivation coming

Dawn comes early in June.
Type Words
Type of locomote, move, travel, go
Type Words
Type of be
Verb group follow
Type Words
Type of go through, see, experience
Derivation coming

she could not come because she was too upset.
Type Words
Type of extend, run, go, pass, lead

The sleeves come to your knuckles.
Type Words
Type of ensue, result

Nothing good will come of this.
Type Words
Type of rank

My family comes first.
Type Words
Type of change

come into contact with a terrorist group.
your wish will come true.