Dutch language

How to pronounce combust in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms burn
Type of turn, change state
Has types smolder, flame, flame up, flare, burn up, go up, burn down, smoulder, scorch, sear, blaze, blaze up, singe, deflagrate
Verb group burn down, fire, burn
Derivation combustible, combustive, combustion
Type Words
Synonyms catch fire, conflagrate, erupt, ignite, take fire
Type of turn, change state
Has types light up, blow out, catch
Verb group burn
Derivation combustive, combustible

The oily rags combusted spontaneously.
Type Words
Synonyms burn
Has types set on fire, char, coal, deflagrate, ignite, light, set ablaze, set afire, set aflame
Verb group ignite, take fire, erupt, catch fire, conflagrate
Derivation combustive, combustible, combustion

We combust coal and other fossil fuels.
Type Words
Synonyms blow a fuse, blow one's stack, blow up, flip one's lid, flip one's wig, fly off the handle, go ballistic, have a fit, have kittens, hit the ceiling, hit the roof, lose one's temper, throw a fit
Type of rage

The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question.
Type Words
Type of anger

Riots combusted Pakistan after the U.S. air attacks on Afghanistan.