Dutch language

How to pronounce collar in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms leash
Type of restraint

asked for a collar on program trading in the stock market.
Type Words
Synonyms apprehend, arrest, cop, nab, nail, pick up
Type of prehend, seize, clutch
Type Words
Synonyms neckband
Type of band
Has types roman collar, choker, clerical collar, dog collar, eton collar, rabato, turtleneck collar, ruffle, ruff, neck ruff, rebato, peter pan collar, polo-neck collar
Type Words
Synonyms apprehension, arrest, catch, pinch, taking into custody
Type of capture, seizure, gaining control

the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar.
Type Words
Synonyms choker, dog collar, neckband
Type of necklace
Type Words
Synonyms shoe collar
Type of rim, brim, lip
Type Words
Type of band
Has types dog collar
Type Words
Type of neckpiece

the thief was forced to wear a heavy wooden collar.
a collar of flowers was placed about the neck of the winning horse.
Type Words
Type of ring, hoop
Type Words
Type of fit, equip, fit out, outfit

collar the dog.
Type Words
Type of clutch, seize, prehend
Type Words
Type of stria, banding, band, striation