Dutch language

How to pronounce clam in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms buck, dollar, dollar bill, one dollar bill
Type of government note, bank bill, bank note, banker's bill, banknote, bill, federal reserve note, greenback, note
Type Words
Type of bivalve, lamellibranch, pelecypod
Has types mercenaria mercenaria, mya arenaria, hard clam, knife-handle, long-neck clam, quahaug, quahog, razor clam, round clam, shipworm, soft-shell clam, steamer, steamer clam, teredinid, hard-shell clam, tridacna gigas, giant clam, geoduck, venus mercenaria, jackknife clam
Type Words
Type of shellfish
Has types quahog, steamer clam, long-neck clam, round clam, quahaug, hard-shell clam, soft-shell clam, steamer
Type Words
Type of gather, pull together, collect, garner