Dutch language

How to pronounce chop in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms chop up
Type of cut
Has types mince, hash
Derivation chopper

chop meat.
Type Words
Synonyms chopper
Type of hopper, ground ball, groundball, grounder
Type Words
Synonyms hack
Type of cut
Has types ax, axe
Derivation chopper
Type Words
Synonyms chop shot
Type of return
Type Words
Type of jaw

I'll hit him on the chops.
Type Words
Type of cut, cut of meat
Has types lamb-chop, lamb chop, lambchop, mutton chop, porkchop
Type Words
Type of create, make

chop a hole in the ground.
Type Words
Type of strike, hit
Type Words
Type of move
Type Words
Type of strike
Derivation chopper
Type Words
Type of physical phenomenon
Derivation choppy

the boat headed into the chop.