Dutch language

How to pronounce chisel in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms cheat
Type of delude, deceive, lead on, cozen
Has types falsify, crib, fudge, manipulate, misrepresent, cook, wangle, set up, shark, cozen, rig, job, fake
Derivation chiseler, chiseller

Who's chiseling on the side?.
Type Words
Synonyms cheat, rip off
Type of victimize, victimise
Has types whipsaw, beat, beguile, bilk, bunco, bunk, con, cozen, defraud, hornswoggle, juggle, mulct, nobble, overcharge, pluck, plume, rob, rook, scam, short-change, soak, surcharge, swindle, victimize, welch, welsh, diddle, fleece, gazump, gip, goldbrick, gyp, hoodwink, hook
Derivation chiseler, chiseller

They chiseled me out of my money.
Type Words
Type of edge tool
Has types ripping chisel, set chisel, wood chisel, cold chisel, drove, drove chisel, firmer chisel, burin
Type Words
Type of carve, chip at

chisel the marble.